Due Diligence
Internal Fraud Investigation
Business Intelligence

      Resist Risk conducts several FCPA compliance due diligence investigations on Asian targets for multinational clients every month, with the key objectives of identifying adverse information and other issues of concern, especially those that may give rise to potential liabilities under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK Anti-Bribery Law, or other anti-corruption legislation.



      Resist Risk conducts fraud investigation support for foreign corporate clients that have problematic operations in Asia. Since our establishment, we have helped a number of clients successfully identify fraud practices in their operations. In the past several months,  Resist Risk has been helping a US-based manufacturer investigate and manage procurement fraud incidents within one of their Chinese business units. We conduct digital forensics, confrontational interviews, information verification meetings, liaison with relevant authorities, and strategic consultation.


      Resist Risk has also been retained by a number of US-based financial institutions to conduct, on a regular basis, discreet busi- ness intelligence gathering on companies or industries our clients are interest- ed in investing in. We assess both the stabilities and vulnerabilities of the targets based on insights shared by knowledgeable sources as well as from our own intelligence-backed hypotheses.

      资本运作相关的商业信息调研 – 芮芷咨询的部分长期客户是总部设在美国的对冲基金及其他金融机构。配合这类客户,芮芷咨询一直关注亚太及美国市场热门的资本交易及各类新兴行业,并保持周期性的信息调研及分析。通过访谈知情人员及行业专家,芮芷咨询对各类信息进行整理及分析,对被调研对象的强弱、可预见的发展趋势及各项变数进行识别及判断,并提出合理假设和推测,努力提供中肯、全面的项目评估。

      诉讼相关的信息收集 -芮芷咨询长期为多家律师事务所提供信息咨询及收集服务。在诉讼进行前后,芮芷咨询会根据律所客户需求,通过实地调研结合各类数据库查询的方式,搜集证人证词,了解实际情况,并协助客户查找涉案公司资产及开销情况。常见的案件通常是证劵类的集体诉讼,涉外融资纠纷及知识产权相关的侵权案件。
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